We took a little trip to Hawaii with Shane's family. Lily packed her own suitcase including her piggybank, some diapers and of course the ever-important red cowboy boot, what would she do without it. We stayed on the island of Oahu for 10 glorious days and now we are back in Nevada to enjoy 40 degree temps, our tans are fading fast. We had a great time. Lily and Emily had a fun playing on the beach and in the pool. The adults had a great time eating and eating and eating. There are way to many fantastic restaurants on that island. Lily lived on the nachos that we got at the snackbar everyday, I didn't know someone so small could put away so many nachos. All in all we had an amazing time and we wish we were still there. Everyday Lily asks if we are going to Hawaii tomorrow, we lie to spare her feelings.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Posted by Jessica Bell at 3:03 PM 2 comments
Monday, November 5, 2007
This Halloween was the best so far. Lily was so excited to get dressed up like a little pink fairy princess and get free candy. We went to the Govenor's mansion, three sets of grandparents and trick-or-treating with her cousin and friends. She was extremely frightened by anyone dressed up like monsters, her cousins included. She is still afraid to go to Grandma's because she thinks the "monser's" will be there waiting for her.
Posted by Jessica Bell at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Lily's Second Birthday Party
I decided that since we had a small party for Lily's 1st birthday that I would do something big for her second, so I rented a pony. All the other kids thought it was very exciting but Lily only wanted to pet it and kiss it. She only rode it once and that was for about 3 seconds, then she freaked out and squeezed the juice box she was holding directly into my hair and all over my clothes. Other than that mishap the party was a hit. All the kids got a hat, bandanna and squirt gun and had a great time chasing eachother around and shooting unsuspecting adults with water. The also decided that our greenhouse was a barn so they hung out in the 110 degree steamy greenhouse and would come out all sweaty and red-faced. Grandma Bean made Lily's horse cake and bandanna dress and they were both awesome. What would we do without Grandma's skills I don't know! We made tri-tip sandwiches for lunch and Shane and I cooked the meat the night before. We decided to cook four marinated tri-tips at once on the bbq which resulted in them catching on fire and almost burning down our awning. It was very exciting, Shane is still growing the hair back on his arm. All in all it was a great party and we want to thank everyone for coming, helping, bringing wonderful presents and for being a blessing in our lives.
Posted by Jessica Bell at 8:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Lily's First Baseball Game
The Bell family took a trip down to Oakland in August to go to an Oakland A's game. We were invited by one of the player's family members and we were able to go one of the suite's. The room was huge and we had a perfect view of the game. It was Lily's first baseball game and of course Daddy was extremely excited. She sang Batter Batter and got real excited when Daddy cheered. Other than that she had no idea we were at a baseball game but still had fun. She was able to run around and eat half of the finger off one of those huge foam fingers and try to jump out the window that was about 50 feet over center field. Mommy had a lot of fun chasing her around and going into heart failure everytime she got close to the window. She also got her first real baseball hat, a little pink A's hat, very exciting, very expensive. Mommy also got a hat and now Lily likes it when Mommy and her wear their hats together. The trip was very fun and a dream of Daddy's. It was also our first real road trip and we discovered that Lily gets car sick. Luckily Mom was prepared with a handy dandy barf bag that she ganked from the hospital before she quit. I will be giving these out as Christmas presents, especially to Candace, they are amazing! Not a drop of throw up in the car.
Posted by Jessica Bell at 4:50 PM 1 comments
Welcome to Our Blog
After much encouragement, mostly from Candace I have finally started our blog. Mom came up with our blog name which mostly just describes me but we will go with it. Everything is good in the Bell household, just working and playing as much as we can. I love being home with Lily and don't miss my nursing job as much as I thought I would. When I quit I thought I would have old man poop withdrawls but suprisingly I don't. My job as the self-titled Lawn Pro president is much cleaner and I don't run the risk of getting thrown up on or pooped on by strangers, just my husband and daughter. The business is going very well and Shane is getting ready for some rest and relaxation this winter which usually means he will worry everyday that it might snow and will pace all day and all night looking for storm clouds. He likes to get a lot of snow removal clients seeing dollar signs not realizing that he will actually have to wake up in the middle of the night and drive around plowing snow for 18 hours at a time. Lily is doing great. She likes to sing and make up her own songs which are always entertaining. She also likes to take 45minute baths everyday and covertly shoot mom with the squirt gun that she hides in the bathtub. She keeps me on my toes.
Posted by Jessica Bell at 4:29 PM 0 comments